Popsy had his cake first because I was sleeping all day. It was quite cold in our place so when my little brother Sweepy woke me up, we missed the cake!
I missed a lot too. I was feeling lazy all month and with the cold windy weather, I prefer to take longer naps and shorter plays which our human friend Lui said might not be good for me. Lui said I should have more time for longer walks and play. Lui also said she made a cake for all of us! When she presented it to me I was so happy.
I may not look it but I am very happy. I simply have a bland expression. It's a good thing Lui knows how I feel even if my face does not show it. When Lui gave me my cake, my brother Sweepy ate with me:
Lui made Sweepy his own cake but he prefers to eat mine! So Lui gave me another . . .
. . . which I enjoyed chewing on the floor! Since it is my birthday, I can make a mess!
Sweepy, meanwhile finished everything on the plate!
So when I finished mine and went to check on him . . .
. . . my cake plate is empty!
And Sweepy is back sitting and waiting again!