Saturday, November 8, 2008

My SkyWatch Saturday Too!

We forgot about our SkyWatch yesterday that is why we are posting today. This week is so hectic which is why we missed out on our usual schedule. But the houndsinheaven are posting their SkyWatch Friday today so I am posting mine too . . .

Keeper said there is a raging storm down south. She has been praying that it will not reach us because it was both sunny and rainy today. The dark clouds plus the cool air made me sleepy. The pitter-patter of rain is like a hypnotic spell that makes me want to just curl up in my bed all day.

I love watching the wet floors and feel the wet mist caressing my face. If Keeper should find me doing this she will get angry. But she is busy working so I can enjoy doing it now.

By afternoon, the sun came out and swept all the rain clouds. I rushed to check the mushrooms that will surely sprout in the woods. . .

They smell and look nice. But Keeper said we can not eat them. Too bad they really looked tempting to eat!

. . . and they come out after the rain and make such a lovely picture!