My flowers today came from this plant which arrived in our house Heaven last January. All new things with strange smells are welcomed with our scent . . .
After two weeks, I saw this . . .
Of course, I immediately barked at my human companion Lui to inform her that the new plant is finally at home in Heaven and is singing right away! Plants sing when their flower buds come out. Their music sounds exactly like the classical music of Vivaldi which Lui would play when she is painting or writing a story.
My other human companion Luchi said the plant's name is Calachuchi. It sounds exactly like Luchi's name! I keep watch over this plant all day!
My brother Sweepy keeps watch over it at well . . . .
Sweepy wanted to be the first to bark to Lui that more buds were coming out! Lui was so excited and counted four buds!
Now, when the flower buds come out, Lui will move the plant to where the morning sun greets all the other plants. Lui said the Sun will help the plant grow and flower well.
When this happens, I keep watch over the plants until the sun moves to the other part of the house.
. . . and the plant will get cooled before it gets watered by Lui late afternoon to early evening when she is done with her other work. By evening, it is the water's turn to make the plants healthy.
After four days, one of the flower buds slowly opened and sang to me!
It sang like a whisper at first . . . .
. . . and rises to a loud blaring of its petals!
. . . singing beautifully alone before it is joined by another bud opening and singing for a duet!
. . . and soon, it will be three flowers singing . . .
. . . and greeting Lui on her birthday today!
More flowers are singing at TodaysFlowers and I hope they are singing for Lui as well!