Saturday, July 5, 2008

Cranky Weather

My friend Lui would always say that.

I never knew that the weather can be described as that. Cranky,
she says. Sometimes, she describes the weather as “clear” . . .
at times, she calls it “playful” . . . but she always prefer to call it

The weather is cranky when it is cloudy and there is the threat
of rain. It is also cranky when there’s a storm. Playful when it
gets too hot and when it rains suddenly. The weather is clear
when it is sunny and the sun is shining bright.

When I took a peek at the weather today, I do not know if it is
cranky, playful or clear. It rained last night yet it was sunny in
the morning. By noon, it rained. By late afternoon, it became hot.
And it got cooler by night time. . . no wonder I slept well!

Sometimes, I wonder if the weather is just going with the flow of
life. Like the weather, the people can also be cranky, playful and
clear. Sometimes, people can be all three combined when life gets
too harsh like it is at present.

My pups say I am cranky. That is not true! I am just concerned.
I do not want them to be frisky and noisy. One of the people in
our house hates noise. And Lui gets affected whenever somebody
would scold us. And my pups get confused when this happens.
Hounds like us can understand calm and simple language. We
may not be able to speak the human language but we sure do
understand what they mean. I wonder if people can understand
the language of animals?

Like the weather, we can also be playful.
And just like with people, life is also fine for us.
And like the weather, we also get confused.

Sumo's July 2, 2008 Post