This is my flower from the previous post. The beautiful pink flowers that I dedicate for my brother Sweepy and his new girlfriend Cookie. It is so beautiful that Lui went back to check it last Sunday. Lui decided to walk all the way from our house, under the hot day, just to see it again! Also, somebody requested to see the whole picture and so here it is:
It looks like a tree. Or maybe it is a tree!
Lui stood in front of it for sometime and heard its shrill singing.
Yes, flowers do sing.
And yes, animals like us can hear it.
And yes, Lui can hear it too.
So yes, some people can hear the plants singing.
If you listen closely, you might hear it too.
Somebody also gave the name of this flower since somebody also posted it in Today's Flowers. It's just too bad that I can not see ALL the entries there since our computer is slow.
Luis invited me to be a guest for Today's Flowers. So maybe I will be the only animal guest in there. Thank you Luis and I will try to send you some pictures.
And most of all, thank you for allowing a dog to be a part of it. Not too many people would do that since not too many people are aware that animals love plants and plants love animals like me. And sometimes, plants love people too.
And yes, animals love people too!
Most especially people who loves nature . . . and animals.