This flower is found along the main road of our subdivision. I do not know the name. I asked the gardener nearby but he does not know either. He just shook his head and smiled. Maybe he does not want to talk to a dog either. Maybe he feels silly talking to a dog who loves flowers . . .
And because of that I can not tell you if I have the exact photo series of blooming flower. I am not sure if bud series below came before the flower bloomed or after.
This bud may also be the final phase when the flower petals have fallen. I have a strong feeling that this series is the exact reverse order of this beautiful creation. Just watch it in reverse order if you want.
But any way you look at it, this clear orangey flower is still beautiful! It blooms all year round even if we are now having the rainy season. This flower makes the passing people in a rush stop and smile. It makes dogs like me stop and smell them too. So don't believe what they say that dogs are color blind. I see colors everywhere and I point it out to my myopic human companions. I can see things clearly than them! But you see, our eyes are not the only senses that can "see" the beauty of God's creation. I am sure the angels look with their heart and see more from this beautiful flower . . .
There are more beautiful flowers and people sharing at the site below. Go and visit them: