This is my small pink flower on a small pot.
I am sorry but I do not know its name.
It starts like a small tree with small buds . . .
My brother Sweepy waited for the flowers to come out
and Sweepy got impatient waiting every week. . . .
The flowers would come out only when it rains.
It rained last night so the next day the flower appears!
Our human companion Lui held it gently.
This is how Lui greets the flowers.
So this flower comes out only during the rainy season.
In the Philippines, there are only two seasons:
the dry (summer from March to May)
and wet (rainy season from June to August)
The rest of the year it varies from wet and dry.
This small pink flower is so delicate
and it looks like paper and its petals are thin
that I really have to guard it well . . .
My Popsy Sumo is pretty wary of this flower . . .
because my father knows that flowers are delicate
and since my father moves briskly and quite clumsily
he might step on the flower and we might lose it!
So I have to keep watch over this flower . . .
It smells sweet and I am tempted to lick it, but I won't.
If I leave it even for a second . . .
I seem to hear it calling me!
So I can not leave the flower alone!
. . . and every time I do that
I can not play with Sweepy!
It is not easy guarding the flowers in our house Heaven.
But I am sure the other flowers and flower-lovers
at TodaysFlowers are not having trouble
watching their flowers so visit them!
. . . while I stay here and keep my watch . . .