Monday, November 9, 2009

Today's Flowers

. . . are the flowers found in our neighbor's malunggay (horse radish?) tree!

This is our neighbor's malungay tree:

This tree bends from our neighbor's back yard to our house! And this weekend the tree is flowering. Look!

My human companion Lui gets happy when she sees the plants flowering because it means the tree is going to bear fruit or have more new leaves. Lui loves malungay. She said it is a natural healthy food but she is afraid to give us some until she knows it can be good for us. Does anybody know if malungay is OK for dogs?

Here is Lui's edited version of the first photograph:

. . . and here's another:

These two photographs were edited by Lui to look like cartoons. They look like Lui's drawings. But in truth, I do not really like the smell of malungay. I hope Lui will not feed it to us.

For more flowers check out TodaysFlowers.