Monday, June 29, 2009

Today's Flowers!

My flowers for today are called the Bougainvillas.
It is the favorite of my human companion Lui.
According to Lui, it is one of the best flowers
to have in a tropical climate like ours
because it is sturdy, it blooms all year round,
and it is always beautiful!

The bougainvillas above are really colored red-orange.
Lui found it around our neighbordhood in one of her walks.
But the common ones we have are this pink color:

. . . with some white in between, or all-white like this:

But whatever color they have
always manage to come out full and beautiful!

And at times they looked like beautiful puffy clouds on a hot day!

Even from a distance you can admire these flowers!

So when a vendor begged Lui to buy some . . .

Lui almost gave in . . . but no. Lui did not buy.
Lui is not good in planting flowers and pruning them.
Lui only water and talk and sing to the plants!
It is my other human companion Luchi who takes care of the plants.
And Luchi does not want any Bougainvillas in our house Heaven
because she said it is difficult for her to take care of them
plus they have sharp thorns that can hurt dogs like us!

But the vendor left the flowers at our gate
in a futile attempt to entice Lui to buy . . .

But Lui and I can only sigh.

I have a secret to tell you about these flowers though.
They don't have a scent and they don't sing at all!

Go and check all the other beautiful flowers here:

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Today's Flowers!

Come meet the flowers in my neighborhood!

They pop out like singing divas!

And sometimes they are too small . . .

and you pass them unnoticed
until they sing and you look for them!

They also rise like a tree!

even with their small base . . .

that looks like the opening leaves
that we have in our house Heaven.

You can smell, hear and see more beautiful flowers here.

The Birds of Paradise Update . . .

This is how the flower looked this week.
I thought it would be gone by now.
But the flower still look beautiful
even with all the missing petals!

. . . but it looks like frozen sculpture . . .
and yes it still sings whenever I pass by!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Today's Flowers

I am again featuring the flowers from the garden of Baby E.

I don't know the name. My human companion forgot to ask again.
When you look at these small blue flowers together, they call out to you:

But they have wonderful surprises.
There are little white flowers among them!

. . . and the white flowers sing with the blue ones . . .

. . . in perfect harmony!

I love these flowers so much.
I wished we can have some in our house Heaven.
But I doubt if they will survive our clumsy play.
You see, there are three dogs in Heaven.
And we are all active and playful.
So I doubt if these delicate flowers will like us.

But this I am sure of.
I am sure that these flowers love the dog Mwenzy
who lives in this house with Baby
and whose pee-mail sends cool messages
to other dogs like me!

Check out other flowers by clicking here.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Today's Flowers in June!

This flower is found along the main road of our subdivision. I do not know the name. I asked the gardener nearby but he does not know either. He just shook his head and smiled. Maybe he does not want to talk to a dog either. Maybe he feels silly talking to a dog who loves flowers . . .

And because of that I can not tell you if I have the exact photo series of blooming flower. I am not sure if bud series below came before the flower bloomed or after.

This bud may also be the final phase when the flower petals have fallen. I have a strong feeling that this series is the exact reverse order of this beautiful creation. Just watch it in reverse order if you want.

But any way you look at it, this clear orangey flower is still beautiful! It blooms all year round even if we are now having the rainy season. This flower makes the passing people in a rush stop and smile. It makes dogs like me stop and smell them too. So don't believe what they say that dogs are color blind. I see colors everywhere and I point it out to my myopic human companions. I can see things clearly than them! But you see, our eyes are not the only senses that can "see" the beauty of God's creation. I am sure the angels look with their heart and see more from this beautiful flower . . .

There are more beautiful flowers and people sharing at the site below. Go and visit them:

Friday, June 5, 2009

Harvest Time!

My human companions Luchie and Lui were quite excited this week. One of them has decided to go up the roof to clean and sweep the fallen dry leaves before they clog our drainage. When it rains, the water gets clogged and may damage our roof especially since we are now having the rainy season in the Philippines.

While on the roof, Luchie will also try to harvest some of our avocado fruits.

My job is to keep watch over her and our harvest.

This is not an easy task. Every year I keep watch over our avocado harvest but I can not eat them. Avocados are bad for dogs since they are poison for us. Too bad they smell tempting to eat and I heard the people say that avocados are great for creamy dips, ice cream and slush!

I called my little brother Sweepy to help with the job because Sweepy is quite grumpy these days because his blog got missing. Sweepy is barking at his old blog until Blogger restore his site. This will keep Sweepy occupied and be less grumpy.

There are a lot of avocado fruits on our beautiful tree Yvon but my human companion Luchie can not reach all of them with her improvised fruit picker. Look, Luchie made this thing herself!

It seemed OK because Luchie gets to pull some of the fruits using this contraption. One fruit at a time though. Look, I have to pick the fruit and deposit in our basket!

Hmmm, I don't think Sweepy is enjoying our task today. Look how bored he is:

Sweepy gets impatient and wants to leave but I do not leave until Luchie and Lui are done. I want to make sure they are OK. Sweepy will just have to wait and stay with me.

We got less than ten fruits today.

And look how big and smooth the avocado we got:

This fruit will ripen in a few days. The green skin will turn purplish and the fruit will feel soft, an indication that it is ripe and can be eaten already! That will make the people in our house Heaven truly happy!

Later, my Popsy Sumo came and took a sniff too:

Popsy is always sleeping these days. Popsy likes rainy days.
The drizzle cools the freaky sunny and cloudy day . . .