Our orchids are blooming again.
When one fades and all the petals fall, a new one comes along.
The new one started shooting out a week ago.
Our orchids compete with all the wild flowers blooming, fading, and blooming again, even with the erratic weather.
I do not keep watch over it because these flowers are sturdy and they do not really require protection from anything. Not even when a stray cat passes over and steps on its leaves, our hanging plants refuses to budge. They bloom well!
My job really is to bark out loud to my human companion Lui to tell her that we have another flower blooming. Lui love flowers a lot.
Today the orchid's petals are all open.
I am not sure if they sing because I am busy.
We are busy compiling our holiday cards to give to all our human and animal friends. I asked Lui if we can give flowers but she said it might be difficult to mail flowers abroad. It is easier to make our own cards with our pictures on it . . .
Sometimes, we wear Santa hats.
My brother Sweepy is the one who helps design our card.
Sweepy decides the paper, the color and makes a story too.
It takes Lui several days to take our pictures.
And when it is done it takes a few more days to make them into cards and mail them around the world. We get almost a hundred cards every year. The postman knows us very well. After all, we are probably the only dogs in the neighborhood who receives cards in the mail. Maybe, we should give our Postman these orchids for doing a good job . . .
After all, another orchid is shooting out again!
I am sure there are more flowers blooming at FlowersToday.
Do go and visit them now.